Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is it

Okay, I 'fess up. This wasn't the blog I set out to write, that one was very different. Questioning, a little angry, yes. But maybe not the best thing for all of us. I might have been getting those calls again. You know, the ones from all those people who think that maybe I should be less free with my opinions lest someone read it and then trouble.

For some reason I'm not supposed to have opinions, because of my job or something or other. You think they didn't notice that I used to be a placard waving greenie when they hired me? Oh, are most people fooled by the dreaded suit and heels? Hmm, maybe you're not allowed to have opinions in my profession; but wait this is Trinidad, everybody has one of those. That's our national pastime, HAVING OPINIONS. We're good at that. What, you've never noticed that everybody in this country has an opinion: on what you wear, your recent weight gain, your new hair colour or what you have in your lunch box, your husband, baby, new car, why the government sucks, why business sucks, why service is so bad etc? And they have no difficulty telling you, never mind they don't know you, are not related to you or whatever. Of course, we don't actually DO anything constructive with these opinions, but we can sure TALK about it right. That is, except if you're me, not allowed to have them remember. Might upset "someone".

So since I can't talk about the stuff that's bugging me, say about the price of gas going up while last year the self-same gas was considered the bees knees and we all were supposed to switch. Eco-friendly and all of that. Oops, not supposed to talk about that, that's an OPINION.

Let's see....what can I talk about? Oh God, this is harder than it should be, surely there must be something that won't make people get upset. I know, did a lot of catching up today, with various friends that I hadn't spoken to in a while. It was good, made me resent having to work a little less. Today is a public holiday, yes, another one. And guess what, we get to do it again next week. See, we live in paradise right! Paradise where the public transport runs so efficiently that we can all leave our cars at home and wait for several hours for the bus or taxi to pass by. This is a question, not an opinion okay. How come we never see politicians taking public transport if it's soooo efficient? I'm sure some Trini will be happy to share their OPINION with me.

Oh, since this is a question, how come the bag of hound food that I bought in HiLo three weeks ago cost $160 some dollars and when I went in on Saturday the same 17 pound bag now costs $196.oo? I had to get Richard to look at the price, thought my bi-focals had wigged out on me. Guess the hound will have to eat supermarket brand and learn to like it, poor thing. I suspect it's made out of sawdust, scrapings and shredded paper because it sure as hell does not look or smell remotely like anything resembling meat or vegetables.

But on a more positive note, I'd like to thank Angry African for helping me through this week. HIS opinions have been extremely funny and I've been laughing out loud every time I visit over there. I think he's a really cool dude, I want to be him when I grow up but until then, you know, I'll just putter along not having opinions. They might upset someone, wouldn't want to do that right.


Angie said...

well in my

its ur blog...say wat u wanna say!

HPD said...

Hey! Thanks for the mention! I love it when you have "no opinion". You say "nothing" really well. Hang in there...

Come over for a coffee. It seems as if we both need one.


Annie Paul said...

Please release me, let me go...

This is your opinion speaking...obey Engelbert...